The fact of the matter is, there are really a small number of treatments on the market that will actually stop or reverse hair loss in men. Beings that nearly 66% of men experience hair thinning by the time they reach 35 years of age, it might be helpful to go ahead and run through some of the viable options a man has.
Seeking for a pill to keep from going bald? Finasteride, known more commonly as Propecia, is taken daily in 1 mg doses. Because it works by cutting down dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels, it's assumed it can reduce hair loss for a majority of men. It also repeatedly achieves a measure of regrowth.
Finasteride, along with minoxidil (Rogaine), which is another popular product that has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration, although showing some effectiveness, have one draw back: you have to keep using them. If you stop, you will lose whatever hair you gained in a matter of a few months.
Finasteride does produce potential sexual side effects. A very small percentage of adult men encounter decreases in libido and other problems, but this is infrequent and generally temporary.
Minosidil, which was first developed as a treatment for high blood pressure, was the first hair loss product on the market that was given approval by the FDA. It is applied directly to the scalp two times a day and if the person is in the early stages of hair loss, new hair growth can occur. The American Hair Loss Association has approved its use when combined with other types of treatments, but feel that on its own, its effectiveness is limited.
Hair Transplants
The good news: Hair transplants don't look similar to dolls' hair anymore. The bad news: You won't be able to go anyplace to show off your new 'do because you'll be broke. The usual recipient of a follicle transplant receives several thousand grafts -- strips of hair removed from bushier parts of the head -- at a price of more than a few thousand dollars. The expense continues to increase when patients come back for extra thickness over the years.
The hair transplant is an expensive procedure that, as with other options, rarely leaves you with a Fabio-like mane. Still, the science has improved dramatically in recent years, and more than a few lusciously locked movie stars are rumored to have gone under the tweezers.
Toupee (Getting a Rug)
Toupees may seem like a relic from the past and often carries with it somewhat of a stigma. People tend think of their granddad or uncle with that ugly looking carpet pasted on their head. There are good hair pieces out there and if they are really good you don't realize they are toupees. You will only notice the lousy ones, and we have all seen those.
Of the people who are willing to fess up to the fact that they have a toupee, the American Hair Loss Association has data that says over 70% of the men who wear them are not satisfied with how they look.
Laser Combs
A recent addition to the hair loss arsenal is sci-fi in nature. The Laser Comb has been approved by the FDA and is the third hair loss product to get that stamp of approval. Lasers stimulate hair follicles to increase the overall volume of hair in patients.
This product has shown some promise although there is plenty of skepticism about it as well. There really are not any long term studies available yet and on a preliminary basis, experts are saying that the effectiveness of the procedure is probably on par with minoxidil.
Just Live With It
The cheapest and probably the most sensible option in dealing with hair loss is just to accept it and not do a darn thing about it. Tough to do for some, but it certainly is the more economical route to go. There can be a certain freedom in embracing your bald head and learning to enjoy it rather than trying to cover it up.
To gain added information on hair loss treatment and the use of natural hair loss products, visit
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